
Every product is the result of uncompromised, finest manufacturing practices...

Our commitment to ethics and compliance guides each of us in the way we conduct business every single day and thus

each and every product of ours hold the promise of improving the quality of life and bringing change in individuals life.


Lutefix pro is an oral progesterone preparation, comes as sustained release tablet form.
We adopt CROSMAT technology, polymer matrix which is designed to deliver periodic doses of progesterone so as to ensure a steady state serum concentration.
This product is meant to fix the issues, those are related to hormonal alterations, luteal phase insufficiency and luteal phase defect.
Self administration of any medication has potential risk so kindly seek proper medical advise before consuming any medicines.


Argiserv, primarily contains l-Arginine an amino acid and as granules for reconstitution.
Being a sugar free formulation, the science behind making the product ensures a lemony orange taste which is highly acceptable.
l-Arginine is the substrate for vascular nitric oxide (NO) formation. Endogenous NO formation is dependent on extracellular l-arginine concentrations and causes NO-mediated biological effects.
Argiserv, serves as a reservoir of exogenous l-Arginine and thus serves as a remedy for conditions like Oligohydraminos, IUGR and overall functional improvement of uterus during ART cycles.
Self administration of any medication has potential risk so kindly seek proper medical advise before consuming any medicines.


Neoactiv B9, primarily contains folate in biologically active form, which can be readily utilized by the human body.
Biologically active form of folate is highly bioavailable than the conventional folic acid and remains as the only choice in patients with MTHFR polymorphism.
This product is unique in its way to meet out the folate need pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy with an aim to prevent NTD to deliver an active neonate.
Self administration of any medication has potential risk so kindly seek proper medical advise before consuming any medicines.


Bornlact is a potent galactagouge which acts as breast milk enhancer cum postpartum wellness supplement, that comes in a sugar free capsule form.
We have formulated it with the finest of ingredients those are clinically proven to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk in the breastfeeding mothers. Also warrants a quick postpartum recovery.
This product is the result of our vision to ensure exclusive breastfeeding to every born baby.
Self administration of any medication has potential risk so kindly seek proper medical advise before consuming any medicines.